e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706178477003_6402943986126408" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Amaranth<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706178477003_06406406445262558" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
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  • Leaves reduced to scales, or if developed, then fleshy or semisucculent
  • Namibia and Northern Cape
  • Leaves well developed, not fleshy
  • All regions of southern Africa
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  • Leaves alternate or occasionally opposite, often reduced to scales, or if developed then fleshy
  • Branchlets twiggy, very shortly woolly
  • Leaves opposite, scale-like
  • Opposite branches articulate
  • Branchlets glabrous
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  • Leaves alternate or fasciculate or sometimes opposite
  • Leaves opposite
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  • Modified sterile flowers present alongside fertile flowers, formed of wings, scales, spines, hairs or bristles
  • Tepals pilose or floccose
  • Stigma with a tuft of hairs
  • No modified sterile flowers present alongside fertile flowers
  • Tepals pilose or glabrous
  • Stigma without a tuft of hairs
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  • Sterile flowers of strap-shaped processes furnished with long unicellular hairs, forming a silky-haired ball in fruit
  • Tuft of hairs of stigma not purplish
  • Sterile flowers formed of long hairs and pilose spines
  • Tuft of hairs of stigma purplish
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  • Ovaries with more than one ovule
  • Ovaries uniovulate
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  • Stamens fused for at least half their length in a tube, either with large bifid intermediate pseudostaminodes, or with a sterile tooth on each side of antheriferous tooth or each filament widely expanded
  • Stamens not fused, pseudostaminodes 0 or small, filaments never widely expanded nor with a sterile tooth on each side of anther
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  • Inflorescences white-woolly
  • Tepals dorsally densely lanate
  • Inflorescences not white-woolly
  • Tepals glabrous or pilose about the base only
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  • Flowers unisexual, male flowers situated towards apex of inflorescences or scattered among females, or plants dioecious
  • Tepals glabrous
  • Pseudostaminodes 0
  • Flowers bisexual, or if unisexual tepals ± hairy and pseudostaminodes present
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  • Leaves narrowly to broadly elliptic, elliptic-oblong or ovate
  • Flowers minute, ± 1.25 mm long
  • Stamens 1 or 2
  • Leaves narrow, linear
  • Flowers larger
  • Stamens 5
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  • Bracteoles with a projecting dorsal keel along at least upper part of midrib
  • Bracteoles without dorsal keel along midrib
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  • Modified sterile flowers present, consisting of hairs, spines, bristles or scales, frequently on one side of sterile flower, sometimes concealed within bracteoles in flowering stage
  • Modified sterile flowers 0, all flowers fertile
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  • Stamens without intermediate pseudostaminodes
  • Stamens with intermediate pseudostaminodes
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  • Modified sterile flowers consisting of numerous uncinately hooked spines
  • Modified sterile flowers without hooked spines
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  • Inflorescence capitate
  • Leaves narrowly or widely elliptic to lanceolate or ovate
  • Densely canescent
  • Inflorescence spicate
  • Leaves linear-acicular to narrowly oblong, glabrous
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  • Leaves narrowly linear
  • Ovary asymmetrically horned at apex
  • Leaves broadly linear or narrowly oblong, opposite sterile flowers of single rigid spines
  • Ovary without an apical horn
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  • Sterile flowers of long plumose-pilose processes
  • Sterile flowers of spines or bracteoliform processes, never plumose-pilose
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  • Anthers 1-thecous
  • Plants mainly prostrate or decumbent and diffusely branched
  • Anthers 2-thecous
  • Plants mainly erect
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  • Stamens perigynous
  • Tepals densely woolly-lanuginose, 1-nerved, fused to ± halfway
  • Stamens hypogynous
  • Tepals glabrous and 1-nerved or barbellate-pilose and 3-nerved, free
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  • Stigma capitate
  • Flower clusters sessile in axils of leaves
  • Stigmas 2 or 3
  • Flowers in dense spikes or terminal, sessile heads
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  • Stamens 1 or 2
  • Flowers minute, ± 1.25 mm long
  • Leaves, branches and flower clusters varying from alternate to opposite
  • Stamens 4 or 5
  • Flowers minute to larger
  • Leaves and branches constantly alternate or opposite, or else flowers 4.5-6.0 mm long
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  • Pseudostaminodes absent between filaments
  • Pseudostaminodes present between filaments
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  • Robust aquatic or marsh perennial
  • Upper tepal slightly longer than remainder with a sharper and often slightly recurved apex
  • Plant not truly aquatic or paludal
  • Upper tepal not thus differentiated
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  • Tepals pilose throughout
  • Tepals glabrous, or floccose below the middle only
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  • Fruiting perianth strongly deflexed, closely appressed to inflorescence axis
  • Bracteoles spinous aristate, arista longer than basal wings, or inflorescences fasciculate and formed of several spikes of diverse lengths
  • Fruiting perianth not or less deflexed, not closely appressed to inflorescence axis
  • Bracteoles frequently with midrib excurrent, but not long and spinose
  • Inflorescence a solitary spike