e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707290048076_5692775187906891" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Browna<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707290048076_12646032608489932" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>nthus
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Mesembryanthemaceae - Mesembryanthemoideae - Brownanthus Schwantes


  • Decumbent to erect shrubs, 150-1000 mm high, with fibrous roots; stems (young) weakly lignified, articulate, green and succulent; epidermal bladder cells tall, closely packed; old stems woody
  • Leaves decussate, ± terete, free or shortly fused towards bases, ephemeral, sometimes spinescent; bladder cells at base and edges often becoming hair-like
  • Flowers solitary or in dichasia, 5-25 mm diameter; open during daylight hours
  • Sepals 4 or 5, ± equal, consistently erect during anthesis
  • Petals free towards bases, cream; staminodes 0
  • Nectary consisting of 4 or 5 separate grooves
  • Ovary with axile placentas; stigmas 4 or 5
  • Fruit a 4- or 5-locular capsule, of Mesembryanthemum type, rarely nut-like; expanding keels extending to centre of fruit; valve wings present; sometimes with a basal seed pocket, then expanding keels not separated by placenta
  • Seeds D- or pear-shaped, 1-1.3 mm long, surface mostly smooth, rarely rough, ochre or brown
  • x = 9 (polyploidy)
  • Flowering spring to early summer
  • Distinguishing characters:
    • Stems succulent, later becoming woody
    • Bladder cell idioblasts closely packed on stems and loosely arranged on leaves
    • Leaves free or shortly fused at the bases


  • Brownanthus Schwantes
    • Schwantes: 14 (1927)
    • Ihlenfeldt & Bittrich: 289 (1985)
    • Bittrich: 5 (1986)
    • Pierce & Gerbaulet: 42 (1997)
    • Smith et al.: 34 (1998)
  • Pseudobrownanthus Ihlenf. & Bittrich
    • Ihlenfeldt & Bittrich: 319 (1985)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 10, both summer- and winter-rainfall regions of the Western and Northern Cape, also in Namibia and extending into Angola


  • BITTRICH, V. 1986. Untersuchungen zu Merkmalsbestand, Gliederung und Abgrenzung der Unterfamilie Mesembryanthemoideae (Mesembryanthemaceae Fenzl). Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik. Hamburg 21
  • IHLENFELDT, H.-D. & BITTRICH, V. 1985. Morphologie, Gliederung und Abgrenzung der Gattung Psilocaulon N.E.Br. s.l. (Mesembryanthemaceae). Botanische Jahrbücher 105
  • PIERCE, S.M. & GERBAULET, M. 1997. Brownanthus Schwantes (Mesembryanthemoideae, Aizoaceae): two new species and a new combination from the Richtersveld and southwestern Namibia. Aloe 34
  • SCHWANTES, G. 1927. Zur Systematik der Mesembrianthemen. Zeitschrift für Sukkulentenkunde 3
  • SMITH, G.F., CHESSELET, P., VAN JAARSVELD, E.J., HARTMANN, H., HAMMER, S., VAN WYK, B-.E., BURGOYNE, P., KLAK, C. & KURZWEIL, H. 1998. Mesembs of the world. Briza, Pretoria