e-Key v3 - Subfa<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703151079533_21513749238238167" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>mily Periploco<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703151079533_4722674531086879" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>ideae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

DICOTYLEDON - Asteridae - Asteridae - Apocynaceae - Periplocoideae

Compiled by J.E. Victor, C.L. Bredenkamp, H.J.T. Venter, P.V. Bruyns & A. Nicholas


  • Climbers, erect to scrambling shrubs or shrublets, or geophytic herbs with watery or milky sap; roots often tuberous
  • Leaves with interpetiolar lines, ridges or clustered colleters adaxially at juncture of petiole and blade
  • Flowers often fragrant
  • Calyx persistent
  • Corolla: lobe aestivation usually dextrorse
  • Corona double; outer corona of 5 free or fused, epipetalous lobes; inner corona of free or fused interstaminal discs
  • Stamens: filaments free or fused to outer or inner corona; anthers 4-locular, fused to style head, nearly horizontal to ascending, connectives apically pronounced, apiculate or variously shaped, connivent over style head; pollen shed in T-shaped to rhomboidal, decussate or linear tetrads
  • Nectaries in 5 alternisepalous troughs at base of filaments
  • Ovary half-inferior; carpels 2, free except towards base and at apex where they are fused and dilated into style head with 5 embedded, semi-erect to erect translators consisting of spoon- to cornet-shaped receptacle (into which pollen is shed), with small sticky viscidium at lower end (which may become attached to pollinator); style head enclosed in corolla tube or exposed from it
  • Fruit a pair of cylindrical-ovoid follicles or a solitary follicle by abortion
  • Seeds many, compressed, obliquely ovate to oblong, with micropylar coma (tuft of hairs), seldom with a ring of hairs or a membranous wing.


  • Periplocoideae
    • Schlechter: 23 (1924)
    • Brown: 518 (1907) under Asclepiadaceae
    • Bullock: 503 (1957)
    • Huber: 1 (1967)
    • Liede: 233 (1997)
    • Venter & Verhoeven: 705 (1997)
    • Verhoeven & Venter: 1 (1998)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Genera 7


  • BROWN, N.E. 1907. Asclepiadeae. Flora capensis 4,1
  • BULLOCK, A.A. 1957. Notes on African Asclepiadaceae - VIII. Kew Bulletin 12
  • HUBER, H. 1967. Periplocaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 113
  • LIEDE, S. 1997. Subtribes and genera of the tribe Asclepiadeae (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) - a synopsis. I 46
  • SCHLECHTER, R. 1924. Periplocaceae. Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin 9
  • VENTER, H.J.T. & VERHOEVEN, R.L. 1997. A tribal classification of the Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae). Taxon 46
  • VERHOEVEN, R.L. & VENTER, H.J.T. 1998. Pollinium structure in Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae). Grana 37


  • Periplocoideae genera:
Cryptolepis Ectadium Mondia Petopentia
Raphionacme Stomatostemma Tacazzea