e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707818701121_20646900316266792" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - C<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707818701121_23215493964975975" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>livia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Amaryllidaceae - Clivia Lindl.


  • Evergreen rhizomatous herbs
  • Rhizome short, or long and erect
  • Leaves several, distichous, firm, strap-shaped
  • Inflorescence a many-flowered, compact or lax cluster; scape stout, fleshy, solid, shorter than leaves, compressed with 2 sharp edges, persisting in fruit; spathe valves 4 or more, imbricate, unequal, soon withering
  • Flowers regular or weakly irregular, narrowly to widely funnel-shaped, straight or slightly curved, spreading to pendulous, orange and yellow; pedicels shorter than to equalling perigone
  • Tepals connate into a short tube; segments connivent to somewhat spreading, 3 outer narrower than 3 inner
  • Stamens arising from perigone throat; filaments filiform, free at base, ± as long as perigone segments; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, versatile
  • Ovary globose; ovules bitegmic, 5 or 6 per locule; style long, slender; stigma tricuspidate
  • Berry subglobose, red with yellow flesh
  • Seeds 1-few, globose, ivory-coloured; embryo white to green
  • x = 11


  • Clivia Lindl.
    • Lindley: t. 1182 (1828)
    • Baker: 228 (1896)
    • Vorster: 70 (1994)
  • Imantophyllum Hook.
    • Hooker: t. 4783 (1854)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 4, confined to region in coastal and inland forests from the Northern Province, Mpumalanga, Swaziland and KwaZulu-Natal to the Eastern Cape


  • BAKER, J.G. 1896. Amaryllideae. Flora capensis 6
  • HOOKER, W.J. 1854. Imantophyllum ?miniatum. Brick-coloured Imantophyllum. Curtis's Botanical Magazine
  • LINDLEY, J. 1828. Clivia nobilis, scarlet Clivia. Edwards's Botanical Register
  • VORSTER, P. 1994. Clivia nobilis. Flowering Plants of Africa 53