e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706008411895_5905391721528066" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Amorphoph<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706008411895_13520611048779396" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>allus
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Araceae - Aroideae - Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne.


  • Acaulescent herbs, parts above ground deciduous; roots long, swollen
  • Stem usually a subglobose tuber
  • Leaves solitary, subtended by several basal cataphylls; petiole cylindrical, lacking apical pulvinus, usually smooth, often conspicuously spotted; lamina tripartite, all 3 segments erect in bud, each dividing subpinnately; pinnae decurrent
  • Inflorescence usually produced before leaves; peduncle usually shorter than petiole
  • Spathe convolute basally, upper portion usually expanded, reflexed at anthesis, deciduous
  • Spadix shorter or longer than spathe; basal portion pistillate, apical portion staminate, male zone contiguous with or separated from female zone by a short naked interstice; apical portion produced into a naked appendix
  • Flowers densely congested on spadix, without perianth segments
  • Male flowers with many, densely congested stamens; anthers subsessile or on broad filaments, dehiscing by apical pores or transverse slits
  • Female flowers with or without staminodes; ovary 1-4-locular, subglobose; ovule solitary, anatropous; style absent or elongated; stigma subglobose or variously lobed
  • Fruit a berry, globose, 1-3-seeded
  • Seeds ovoid, smooth; without endosperm
  • x = 7, 13


  • Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne.
    • Decaisne: 366 (1834)
    • Brown: 144 (1901)
    • Engler: 61 (1911)
    • Mayo: 28 (1985)
    • Mayo et al.: 235 (1997) name conserved

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 100, occurring throughout the Old World tropics
  • Southern Africa: Species 1: Amorphophallus abyssinicus (A.Rich.) N.E.Br., only in Namibia (Caprivi Strip), but widespread in Africa


  • BROWN, N.E. 1901. Flora of tropical Africa 8
  • DECAISNE, J. 1834. Amorphophallus. Nouvelles annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 3
  • ENGLER, A. 1911. Araceae-Lasioideae. Das Pflanzenreich 48 (IV. 23C)
  • MAYO, S.J. 1985. Araceae. Flora of tropical East Africa
  • MAYO, S.J., BOGNER, J., BOYCE, P.C. 1997. The genera of Araceae. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew