SANBI Flora Keys - Classificatio<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706524484753_18700404447847196" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>n of Orchid<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706524484753_7760759769673082" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae
    • Tribe Arethuseae
        • Calanthe
    • Tribe Cymbidieae
        • Acrolophia
        • Ansellia
        • Eulophia
        • Oeceoclades
    • Tribe Dendrobieae
        • Bulbophyllum
    • Tribe Epidendreae
        • Polystachya
    • Tribe Gastrodieae
        • Didymoplexis
        • Gastrodia
    • Tribe Malaxideae
        • Liparis
        • Oberoma
    • Tribe Nervilieae
        • Nervilia
    • Tribe Vandeae
        • Acampe
        • Aerangis
        • Angraecum
        • Bolusiella
        • Cyrtorchis
        • Diaphananthe
        • Jumellea
        • Microcoelia
        • Mystacidium
        • Rangaeris
        • Solenangis
        • Tridactyle
        • Ypsilopus
    • Tribe Vanilleae
        • Vanilla
  • Subfamily Orchidoideae
    • Tribe Diseae
        • Brownleea
        • Ceratandra
        • Corycium
        • Disperis
        • Evotella
        • Huttonaea
        • Pachites
        • Pterygodium
        • Satyrium
      • Subtribe Disinae
        • Disa
        • Schizodium
    • Tribe Orchideae
        • Bartholina
        • Bonatea
        • Brachycorythis
        • Centrostigma
        • Cynorkis
        • Dracomonticola
        • Habenarla
        • Holothrix
        • Neobolusia
        • Schizochilus
        • Stenoglottis
  • Subfamily Spiranthoideae
    • Tribe Cranichideae
        • Cheirostylis
        • Platylepis
        • Zeuxine
    • Tribe Tropidieae
        • Corymborkis