e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1709018471814_387433545645254" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Cya<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1709018471814_4321126353356193" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>nella
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Tecophilaeaceae - Cyanella L.


  • Geophytes with aerial parts annual; corm deep-seated with long thin neck and fibrous to hard outer tunic, edible
  • Leaves basal, 2-many, opposite or rosulate, linear to ovate-acuminate, forming a tubular sheath below, outer sheaths bladeless, often membranous, ribbed, glabrous, rarely scabrid or ciliate
  • Flowers in simple or much-branched, many-flowered, lax racemes, much exserted from leaf rosettes; rarely axillary, single-flowered on long pedicels, appearing successively, opening in morning and closing in evening, for several days; peduncle terete, wiry, bracteate; pedicels usually curved
  • Perianth: segments free or shortly united at base, spreading-reflexed, erect in bud and in fruit, usually reflexed during anthesis; white, pink, yellow, orange, brown, mauve or blue, occasionally bicoloured, with a purple basal spot or dark centre, veins often distinct; marcescent, circumscissile near base of ovary, falling off together with stamens
  • Stamens unequal or dimorphous, with 1 or 3 differently shaped; filaments short, fused basally, upper ones arched in some species; anthers yellow, sometimes maculate or papillate
  • Ovary half-inferior, conical above
  • Capsule erect, globose to narrowly ovoid, developing mainly above insertion of perianth
  • Seeds many, ovoid with wrinkled surfaces, shiny
  • x = 8 (polyploidy)


  • Cyanella L.
    • Linnaeus: 443 (1762)
    • Baker: 6 (1896)
    • De Vos: 220 (1950)
    • Scott: 34 (1991)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 7 or 8, Namibia, mostly Western Cape


  • BAKER, J.G. 1896. Haemodoraceae. Flora capensis 6
  • DE VOS, M.P. 1950. Die ontwikkeling van die saadknop en saad by Cyanella capensis L.: 'n geval van polyembryonie. South African Journal of Science 46
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1762. Species plantarum, edn 2. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • SCOTT, G. 1991. A revision of Cyanella (Tecophilaeaceae) excluding C. amboensis. South African Journal of Botany 57