e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1708071656047_9071987055254749" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Cu<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1708071656047_4021171027159125" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>cumis
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Cucurbitaceae - Cucumis L.


  • Monoecious, rarely dioecious, annual or perennial herbs, hispid or scabrid, often with woody rootstock
  • Leaves toothed to variably lobed or dissected, sometimes cordate at base
  • Tendrils simple
  • Male flowers fascicled, rarely solitary: calyx 5-lobed, tube campanulate or turbinate, lobes subulate or long-linear, sometimes setose or 3-lobed; corolla 5-partite, lobes oblong, ovate or obovate-oblong; stamens 3, filaments free, linear-oblong, short, anthers free or cohering, with one anther 1-thecous and others 2-thecous, thecae bent, rarely straight, connective produced at apex into an appendage; pistil rudimentary
  • Female flowers usually solitary, rarely fasciculate: calyx and corolla as in male; staminodes often 3; ovary globose, ovoid, or subcylindric, often tubercled or variously hairy, with 3-5 placentas and many ovules, styles short, surrounded at base by cup-like structure, stigmas 3-5(6)
  • Fruit various, fleshy, often indehiscent, many-seeded; pericarp smooth or tubercled, glabrous or hairy
  • Seeds suborbicular, or ovate-oblong or obovate; radicle obtuse or subacute
  • x = 12 (7) (high polyploidy, B-chromosomes)


  • Cucumis L.
    • Linnaeus: 1011 (1753)
    • Meeuse: 59 (1962)
    • Kirkbride: 1 (1993)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 32, mainly Africa, also Asia, Australia; a few widely cultivated
  • Southern Africa: Species 14, all regions, rare in Western Cape


  • KIRKBRIDE, J.H. 1993. Biosystematic monograph of the genus Cucumis. Parkway Publishers, Boone, North Carolina
  • LINNAEUS, C. 1753. Species plantarum, edn 1. Laurentius Salvius, Stockholm
  • MEEUSE, A.D.J. 1962. The Cucurbitaceae of southern Africa. Bothalia 8