e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710510488544_9170568108269805" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Limno<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710510488544_41900723610338364" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>phila
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Scrophulariaceae - Scrophularioideae - Gratioleae - Limnophila R.Br.


  • Aquatic or marsh herbs, annual or perennial; aerial stems simple to much branched, glabrous or sometimes hirsute, often with pellucid dots and aromatic; submerged stems much branched, glabrous
  • Leaves: aerial ones opposite or verticillate, sessile, entire to serrate, laciniate or pinnately divided, punctate; submerged leaves laciniate, pinnatifid to capillary-multifid, glabrous
  • Flowers solitary and axillary, or in a dense, terminal raceme, sessile or pedicellate, bracteate; bracteoles 0 or 2
  • Calyx tubular, 5-lobed mostly to ± halfway, rarely shorter; lobes broadly ovate to lanceolate, sometimes acuminate, imbricate, subequal or posterior lobes larger
  • Corolla tubular, bilabiate, 5-lobed; tube cylindrical or funnel-shaped, glabrous or sparsely hirsute outside, sometimes villous or papillate inside; posterior lip entire or 2-lobed, outside in bud; anterior lip 3-lobed; lobes elliptical or ovate, slightly or much shorter than tube, erect or spreading
  • Stamens 4 (sometimes 2 in cleistogamous flowers), didynamous, included, posterior pair shorter; filaments linear, arising in corolla tube; anthers bithecate, free, sometimes contiguous at anthesis; thecae separate, usually shortly stalked; staminodes 0
  • Ovary bilocular, ovoid, glabrous; ovules many; style filiform, bent at right angles at apex; stigma bilamellate
  • Fruit an ovoid or ellipsoid, septicidal and loculicidal capsule, with 2, often bifid valves
  • Seeds small, many, ellipsoid; testa thin, dark-coloured
  • x = 17 (9, 15) (polyploidy)


  • Limnophila R.Br.
    • Brown: 442 (1810) name conserved
    • Merxmüller & Roessler: 25 (1967)
    • Philcox: 101 (1970)
    • Greuter et al.: 289 (1994)
    • Philcox: 43 (1990)
    • Mielcarek: 50 (1996)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 37, Old World tropics and subtropics, Africa, Asia, and Australia
  • Southern Africa: Species 2, Namibia, Botswana and Mpumalanga (Kruger National Park); usually aquatic or amphibious, in shallow water or mud of bogs, swamps or riversides


  • BROWN, R. 1810. Limnophila. Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae. J. Johnson & Co., London
  • GREUTER, W., BARRIE, F.R., BURDET, H.M., CHALONER, W.G., DEMOULIN, V., HAWKSWORTH, D.L., JØRGENSEN, P.M., NICOLSON, D.H., SILVA, P.C., TREHANE, P, & MCNEILL, J. 1994. Appendix IIIA, Nomina generica conservanda et rejicienda. International code of botanical nomenclature. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein
  • MERXMÜLLER, H. & ROESSLER, H. 1967. Scrophulariaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 126
  • MIELCAREK, R. 1996. Les Scrophulariaceae dans la flore d'Afrique centrale (excl. Linderneae). Fragmenta floristica et geobotanica 41
  • PHILCOX, D. 1970. A taxonomic revision of the genus Limnophila R.Br. (Scrophulariaceae). Kew Bulletin 24
  • PHILCOX, D. 1990. Scrophulariaceae. Flora zambesiaca 8,2