e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710245902984_8653860150744175" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Hu<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710245902984_8776001915665557" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>ernia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae - Ceropegieae - Huernia R.Br.


  • Succulent, dwarf, perennial herbs, caespitose or creeping, rarely prostrate or pendent
  • Stems glabrous, mostly 4- or 5(6)-angled and prominently toothed along angles, rarely subcylindric
  • Leaves modified to form acute tips to tubercle teeth, without stipules, sometimes persisting and becoming hardened, acute points, rarely rudimentary, in a few species forming soft bristles at apex of teeth
  • Inflorescence glabrous, usually 1 per stem, a successively flowering, shortly pedunculate cyme in lower half of stem, rarely single-flowered; peduncle short, stout
  • Corolla tubular, campanulate, bicampanulate or subrotate, with or without an annulus; corolla 5-lobed with 5 intermediate lobes in sinuses, seldom exceeding 50 mm in diameter; outside smooth or sometimes scabrellous, rarely minutely asperate, glabrous; inside mostly papillate or tuberculate, rarely smooth, often provided with simple bristles or setae, clavate and/or much inflated hairs; lobes spreading to reflexed, flat or concave, sometimes canaliculate towards apex, very slightly convex but never replicate, margins without cilia
  • Corona 10-lobed in 2 alternating series, sessile outer lobes partially adnate to base of tube, velvety textured, united to form a flattish or somewhat conical, or convex disc merging into staminal column; inner lobes arising at top of staminal column, smooth-textured, simple, incumbent on anthers, ovate, triangular-oblong, obtuse or subacute, subulate, or variably clavate, apical portion often minutely tuberculate, usually with a transverse ridge or gibbosity at their base, and sometimes shortly decurrent below, the gibbosity is much enlarged and sometimes erect
  • Staminal column erect, anther wings erect, diverging at base, forming a 'gape' with ± triangular nectarial orifice behind and a small fleshy tubercle in front
  • Anthers 2-locular, horizontal on top of style head
  • Pollinia compressed oblong-ellipsoid; caudicles short; corpuscle relatively short and broad, attached to edge of pentagonal style head by short lateral wings
  • Follicles erect, fusiform, glabrous
  • Seeds ± ovate, much compressed, almost flat, with a tuft of hairs
  • x = 11 (polyploidy)


  • Huernia R.Br.
    • Brown: 11 (1810)
    • Brown: 902 (1909)
    • White & Sloane: 819 (1937)
    • Leach: 1 (1988)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 64, Africa and S Arabian Peninsula
  • Southern Africa: Species 39, widespread in drier areas


  • BROWN, N.E. 1909. Asclepiadeae. Flora capensis 4,1
  • BROWN, R. 1810. On the Asclepiadeae, a natural order of plants separated from the Apocineae of Jussieu. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society 1
  • LEACH, L.C. 1988. A revision of Huernia R.Br. (Asclepiadaceae). Excelsa, Taxonomic Series 4
  • WHITE, A. & SLOANE, B.L. 1937. The Stapelieae 3, edn 2. Abbey San Encino Press, Pasadena, California