e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703061073552_15064871009572722" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Apocyn<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1703061073552_39905785802098204" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

DICOTYLEDON - ASTERIDAE - GENTIANALES - Apocynaceae (in broad sense)

Compiled by J.E. Victor, C.L. Bredenkamp, H.J.T. Venter, P.V. Bruyns & A. Nicholas


  • Trees, erect or scandent shrubs, shrublets, subshrubs, lianas, perennial, rarely annual herbs, often succulents, glabrous or pubescent, with milky or clear sap
  • Leaves opposite, sometimes whorled or decussate, rarely alternate or fascicled, simple, entire, pinnately veined, in some succulents reduced to small rudiments or spines; stipules, if present, usually intrapetiolar, rarely on each side of petiole, minute to short, rarely spinose; colleters (mucilaginous hairs) often present at junction of petiole and lamina
  • Inflorescence mostly a cyme, sometimes racemose or umbelliform, terminal to axillary, sometimes flowers solitary
  • Flowers regular, bisexual, small to large and showy, usually bracteolate, sometimes fragrant, occasionally with an obnoxious smell
  • Calyx of 5(4) sepals, free or slightly united at base, rarely forming a tube; mostly with paired, ± alternisepalous, basal, adaxial colleters
  • Corolla gamopetalous, 5(4)-lobed to 5(4)-fid, rotate to tubular; lobe aestivation dextrorse (overlapping to the right) or sinistrorse (to the left) or valvate; a corolline corona sometimes present
  • Corona of 5 or more, free or fused lobes in 1 or 2(3) series often present, either on corolla or arising from or near base of staminal column
  • Disc annular or cupular or of 2-5 scales usually present in Apocynoideae
  • Stamens 5(4), either arising on corolla tube and alternating with petals, or conniving in a cone around style head, or fused into a tubular staminal column (gynostegium) with anthers fused to style head; anthers 2-thecous, either 2- or 4-locular, sometimes with apical appendix, tailed at base or winged; pollen grains in monads, tetrads or united into waxy pollen masses (pollinia), dispersed singly, in translators or in pollinaria comprising 2 or 4 pollinia attached by caudicles (translator arms) to a corpuscle (corpusculum, clip, gland, pollen carrier)
  • Nectary, if present, in a ring around base of ovary or in 5 alternisepalous troughs at base of filaments or staminal column
  • Ovary superior to half-inferior, of 2 carpels, either entire and 1- or 2-locular with (1-4) or many ovules on an axile placenta, or carpels ± free to partly connate, each carpel with (1)-many ovules on a single, ventral, marginal placenta; style 1 or carpels ± free except towards base and towards apex and dilated at apex into style head comprising anthers
  • Fruit a berry, drupe, samara, or a pair (often 1 by abortion) of ventrally dehiscent follicular or baccate mericarps
  • Seeds often compressed, often with a tuft of silky hair (coma) at micropylar end, sometimes with marginal wing; embryo straight; endosperm present

Classification Notes:

  • Apocynaceae, as circumscribed here, includes Asclepiadaceae and Periplocaceae


  • Apocynaceae
    • Leeuwenberg: 1213 (1994)
    • Liede & Albers: 201 (1994)
    • Struwe et al.: 175 (1994)
    • Takhtajan: 434 (1997)
    • Venter & Verhoeven: 705 (1997)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera 480, species 4800, mostly tropical and warm (especially Africa), few in temperate regions
  • Southern Africa: Genera 89 (90), species ± 696. *Vinca minor L., Periwinkle and *Plumeria rubra L., Frangipani, both widely cultivated ornamentals, have not been recorded as garden escapes


  • LEEUWENBERG, A.J.M. 1994. Taxa of the Apocynaceae above the genus level. In J.H. Seyani & A.C. Chikuni, Proceedings of the 13th plenary meeting AETFAT, 2. Malawi
  • LIEDE, S. & ALBERS, F. 1994. Tribal disposition of genera of the Asclepiadaceae. Taxon 43
  • STRUWE, L., ALBERT, V.A. & BREMER, B. 1994. Cladistics and family level classification of the GENTIANALES. Cladistics 10
  • TAKHTAJAN, A. 1997. Diversity and classification of flowering plants. Columbia University Press, New York
  • VENTER, H.J.T. & VERHOEVEN, R.L. 1997. A tribal classification of the Periplocoideae (Apocynaceae). Taxon 46


  • Apocynaceae Subfamiles:
Apocynoideae Asclepiadoideae Periplocoideae Plumerioideae
  • Apocynaceae Genera:
Acokanthera Adenium Ancylobotrys Anisotoma
Araujia Asclepias Aspidoglossum Aspidonepsis
Astephanus Baissea Brachystelma Callichilia
Calotropis Caralluma Carissa Catharanthus
Ceropegia Cordylogyne Cryptolepis Cynanchum
Diplorhynchus Duvalia Ectadium Emplectanthus
Eustegia Fanninia Fockea Gomphocarpus
Gonioma Holarrhena Hoodia X Hoodiopsis
Huernia Kanahia Landolphia Lavrania
Macropetalum Marsdenia Microloma Miraglossum
Mondia Nerium Notechidnopsis Oncinema
Oncinotis Ophionella Orbea Orbeanthus
Orbeopsis Orthanthera Pachycarpus Pachycymbium
Pachypodium Parapodium Pectinaria Pentarrhinum
Pergularia Periglossum Petopentia Piaranthus
Quaqua Raphionacme Rauvolfia Rhyssolobium
Riocreuxia Sarcostemma Schizostephanus Secamone
Sisyranthus Sphaerocodon Stapelia Stapeliopsis
Stathmostelma Stenostelma Stigmatorhynchus Stomatostemma
Strophanthus Tabernaemontana Tacazzea Tavaresia
Telosma Tenaris Tridentea Tromotriche
Tylophora Voacanga Woodia Wrightia