e-Key<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710934009567_5680852191704286" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span> v3 - Mystropet<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710934009567_04435061760008874" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>alon
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Balanophoraceae - Mystropetalon Harv.


  • Reddish to yellowish white parasites, usually on roots of Proteaceae; monoecious
  • Leaves scale-like, fleshy or sometimes linear
  • Inflorescence a dense, often clavate spike, resembling a fungus, with female flowers below and male flowers above, rarely flowers all female, subtended by 1 coloured bract and 2 bracteoles
  • Male flowers: perianth with 3 segments, 2-lipped; lower lip of 1 lobe; upper lip of 2 lobes; stamens 2, arising on upper perianth segments; anthers 2-thecous, dehiscing longitudinally
  • Female flowers ripening before male, seated on a globular, fleshy receptacle; perianth segments 3, valvate, urceolate or tubular; staminodes 2, small or 0; ovary 3-merous, embedded in and fused to perianth tube, 1- or 3-locular, with 3 pendulous ovules; style columnar; stigma discoid or 3-lobed
  • Fruit a pseudonut, almost spherical, inserted on enlarged receptacle
  • Seed solitary


  • Mystropetalon Harv.
    • Harvey: 418 (1838)
    • Griffith: 336 (1845)
    • Hooker: 31 (1856)
    • Harvey: 573 (1862)
    • Eichler: 124 (1873)
    • Hooker: 234 (1880)
    • Engler: 252 (1889)
    • Marloth: 171 (1913)
    • Harms: 312 (1935)
    • Visser: 44 (1981)
    • Hansen: 370 (1986)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Monotypic[: Mystropetalon thomii Harv.], Western Cape, almost exclusively southwest of Breede River


  • ENGLER, A. 1889. Balanophoraceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3,1
  • EICHLER, A.W. 1873. Balanophoraceae. In A. de Candolle, Prodromus 17. Masson & Sons, Paris
  • GRIFFITH, W. 1845. On the root-parasites referred by authors to Rhizantheae; and on various plants related to them. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 19
  • HANSEN, B. 1986. The Balanophoraceae of Continental Africa. Botanische Jahrbücher 106,3
  • HARMS, H. 1935. Balanophoraceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 2,16b
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1838. Addenda and corrigenda. Mystropetalon. The genera of South African plants. Robertson, Cape Town
  • HARVEY, W.H. 1862. Balanophoreae. Flora capensis 2
  • HOOKER, J.D. 1856. On the structure and affinities of Balanophoreae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 22
  • HOOKER, J.D. 1880. Balanophoreae. In G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker, Genera plantarum 3,1. Lovell Reeve & Co., London
  • MARLOTH, R. 1913. Balanophoraceae. The flora of South Africa 1
  • VISSER, J.H. 1981. South African parasitic plants. Juta & Co., Cape Town