e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706793468000_05105039181193827" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - A<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1706793468000_579201098712959" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>vonia
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Portulacaceae - Anacampseroteae - Avonia (E.Mey. ex Fenzl) Rowley


  • Dwarf herbaceous perennials; aerial stems succulent, with closely packed leaves obscuring internodes; roots mostly thick, woody or caudiciform with simple or branching stems
  • Leaves alternate, often minute, less than twice as wide as thick; green leaves not or only slightly exposed, hidden beneath imbricate papery, often scarious scales, making shoots appear white
  • Inflorescences terminal
  • Flowers 1 or few at stem tips, surrounded by scaly bracts, on short pedicels, opening for a very short time only, sometimes cleistogamous, white or rarely pink or carmine
  • Sepals 2, shortly connate at base, subpersistent
  • Petals 5, free
  • Stamens 5-many, adnate to petals at base; filaments white; anthers yellow
  • Ovary superior; ovules many; style thread-like; stigma entire or 3-lobed
  • Fruit an elongated 3- or 4-valved capsule
  • Seeds many, winged or with minute blunt protuberances

Classification Notes:

  • Anacampseros and Avonia belong to the tribe Anacampseroteae Nyananyo ex Rowley


  • Avonia (E.Mey. ex Fenzl) Rowley
    • Rowley: 105 (1994)
    • Steffens: 12 (1995)
    • Rowley: 49 (1995)
  • Anacampseros L. subgenus Avonia E.Mey. ex Fenzl
    • Fenzl: 295 (1839)
  • Anacampseros L. section Avonia (E.Mey. ex Fenzl) Gerbaulet
    • Gerbaulet: 543 (1992)
    • Rodgerson: 2 (1994)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 11, Somalia, southern Africa, Zimbabwe
  • Southern Africa: Species 10, highest concentration of species in Namibia and Northern Cape, but extends also to Botswana, Northern Province, Free State, Western and Eastern Cape


  • FENZL, E. 1839. Supplement. Verbesserungen und Zusätze zur ersten Abtheilung der Monographie. Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte 2
  • GERBAULET, M. 1992. Die Gattung Anacampseros L. (Portulacaceae). Botanische Jahrbücher 113
  • RODGERSON, C. 1994. Anacampseros Section Avonia. Cactus File 2
  • ROWLEY, G.D. 1994. Anacampseros and allied genera - a reassessment. Bradleya 12/1994
  • ROWLEY, G.D. 1995. Anacampseros, Avonia, Grahamia. A grower's handbook. The British Cactus and Succulent Society, Hants
  • STEFFENS, F. 1995. Anacampseros L. and Avonia (E.Mey. ex Fenzl) Rowley. Aloe 32