e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701856844667_8155702678452452" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Clados<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701856844667_5467537876252453" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>temon
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Capparaceae - Cladostemon A.Braun & Vatke


  • Shrubs or small trees, glabrous
  • Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate; petiolules articulated at base; stipules minute, inconspicuous
  • Flowers in lax corymbose racemes
  • Sepals 4, free; receptacle not developed into a disc
  • Petals 4, the 2 adaxial larger, unguiculate
  • Stamens 5-8; adaxial ones united in a much elongated androphore; abaxial ones (staminodes) shortly united at base and arising from base of androphore
  • Ovary on a gynophore attached to androphore, stout in fruit, ellipsoid, 2-locular with 2 multi-ovulate parietal placentas; stigma peltate
  • Fruit globose, large, with long stalk; pericarp coriaceous
  • Seeds many, subglobose; cotyledons large, fleshy, curved


  • Cladostemon A.Braun & Vatke
    • Braun & Vatke: 866 (1877)
    • Pax & Gilg: 185 (1895)
    • Gilg & Gilg-Benedict: 183 (1915)
    • Pax & Hoffmann: 171 (1936)
    • Wild: 211 (1960)
    • Elffers et al.: 70 (1964)
    • Killick: 140 (1970)
    • Williams: t. 2079 (1992)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species 1, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
  • Southern Africa: Species 1: Cladostemon kirkii (Oliv.) Pax & Gilg, Swaziland and KwaZulu-Natal


  • BRAUN, A. & VATKE, G.C.W. 1877. Cladostemon. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1876
  • ELFFERS, J., GRAHAM, R.A. & DE WOLF, G.P. 1964. Capparidaceae. Flora of tropical East Africa. Capparidaceae
  • GILG, E.F. & GILG-BENEDICT, C.S. 1915. Monographische Zusammenstellung sämtlicher Capparidaceae des tropischen und subtropischen Afrika. Botanische Jahrbücher 53
  • KILLICK, D.J.B. 1970. Capparaceae (in part). Flora of southern Africa 13
  • PAX, F. & GILG, E.F. 1895. Capparidaceae. In Engler, Die Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete C
  • PAX, F. & HOFFMANN, K. 1936. Capparidaceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, edn 2, 17b
  • WILD, H. 1960. Capparidaceae. Flora zambesiaca 1
  • WILLIAMS, R. 1992. Cladostemon kirkii. Flowering Plants of Africa 52