e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701853719482_9525251411218119" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Cappar<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701853719483_20821389412409563" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.


Compiled by L.L. Dreyer & M. Jordaan


  • Herbs, shrubs or trees, sometimes scandent
  • Leaves alternate, very rarely opposite, simple or 3-5-foliolate, sometimes crowded on abbreviated shoots, rarely underdeveloped or soon deciduous; stipules, when present, setaceous or spinescent
  • Inflorescences terminal or axillary, racemose, corymbose or paniculate, or flowers solitary and axillary, sometimes on abbreviated shoots or arising on old wood
  • Flowers bisexual, very rarely unisexual, regular or rarely irregular, usually 4-merous
  • Receptacle cupular, campanulate, infundibular or cylindrical; disc various or 0
  • Sepals 3 or 4(5)
  • Petals (0-3)4(rarely more), free
  • Stamens 4-many, arising from base or high up on androphore (torus), sometimes accompanied by staminodes; filaments free, usually terete; anthers 2-thecous, opening by longitudinal slits, sometimes with small, apical appendage
  • Ovary superior, sessile or more usually supported on long or short gynophore, 1-locular, with 2 parietal placentas, sometimes 2-locular by division of placentas, or multilocular; ovules few to many, often in 2 rows; style 1, short or 0; stigma often sessile, capitate
  • Fruit a capsule or berry, usually stipitate
  • Seeds reniform or subglobose, without endosperm


  • Capparaceae
    • Sonder: 54 (1860)
    • Gilg & Gilg-Benedict: 144 (1915)
    • Pax & Hoffmann: 146 (1936)
    • Wild: 194 (1960)
    • Elffers et al.: 1 (1964)
    • Roessler: 1 (1966)
    • Killick: 118 (1970)
    • Fici: 37 (1993)
    • A.P.G.: 549 (1998) included in Brassicaceae

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Genera 45, species 675, native to warm and tropical countries, often in arid regions
  • Southern Africa: Genera 8, species 45


  • A.P.G. 1998. An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 85: 549 (included in Brassicaceae)
  • ELFFERS, J., GRAHAM, R.A. & DE WOLF, G.P. 1964. Capparidaceae. Flora of tropical East Africa. Capparidaceae
  • FICI, S. 1993. Capparaceae. Boscia, Cadaba, Capparis. Flora of Somalia 1
  • GILG, E.F. & GILG-BENEDICT, C.S. 1915. Monographische Zusammenstellung sämtlicher Capparidaceae des tropischen und subtropischen Afrika. Botanische Jahrbücher 53
  • KILLICK, D.J.B. 1970. Capparaceae (in part). Flora of southern Africa 13
  • PAX, F. & HOFFMANN, K. 1936. Capparidaceae. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, edn 2, 17b
  • ROESSLER, H. 1966. Capparaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 47
  • SONDER, O.W. 1860. Capparideae. Flora capensis 1
  • WILD, H. 1960. Capparidaceae. Flora zambesiaca 1


  • Capparaceae genera:
Bachmannia Boscia Cadaba Capparis
Cladostemon Cleome Maerua Thilachium