e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710149649254_7589591295476961" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Globulari<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1710149649254_9391769040523983" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>opsis
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Scrophulariaceae - Scrophularioideae - Selagineae - Globulariopsis Compton


  • Annual or perennial herbs or shrublets; stems erect or decumbent, often several from crown, rarely one, usually simple below, branched above; hairs on stems, leaves, bracts and calyx with sculptured walls
  • Leaves opposite or alternate, sometimes becoming alternate above, fascicled or not, linear or narrowly to broadly elliptic, entire or few-dentate, herbaceous to thick (almost terete)
  • Flowers bracteate, pedicellate, grouped in small, congested or lax racemes, usually panicled, sometimes solitary
  • Bracts usually adnate to pedicel only, sometimes to extreme base of calyx tube as well
  • Calyx campanulate, subequally 5-lobed to ± halfway; lobes deltoid or oblong, anterior ones slightly larger than other 3, pubescent on outside and margins, rarely inside
  • Corolla bilabiate, 5-lobed, herbaceous; tube funnel-shaped, usually glabrous; limb glabrous on inner face, yellow-orange patch running down back of throat; posterior lip 2-lobed, glabrous, exterior in bud; anterior lip 3-lobed
  • Stamens 4, didynamous, arising ± in middle of corolla tube; posterior filaments decurrent down corolla tube; anthers synthecate, posterior ones in throat or mouth, or shortly or (rarely) well exserted, anterior ones shortly to well exserted; staminodes 0
  • Nectary small, on posterior side of ovary base
  • Ovary unilocular by complete or partial abortion of posterior locule, ellipsoid; ovule single, pendulous; style filiform, merging into lingulate stigma with marginal papillae
  • Fruit a smooth, hard-walled, somewhat beaked, single-seeded, indehiscent coccus, convex on outer face, concave on inner, held within persistent calyx, apparently shed as a unit with bract
  • Seeds probably fusiform


  • Globulariopsis Compton
    • Compton: 309 (1931)
    • Compton: 135 (1943)
    • Hartley & Balkwill: 471 (1990)
    • Hilliard: 318 (1990)
    • Hilliard: 1 (1999)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Southern Africa: Species 7, endemic to Western Cape, mostly in the southwestern mountains


  • COMPTON, R.H. 1931. The flora of the Whitehill District. Selagineae. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 19
  • COMPTON, R.H. 1943. Globulariopsis wittebergensis Compton. In W.F. Barker, R.H. Compton, F.M. Leighton, R.A. Dyer & C.A. Smith, Plantae novae Africanae Ser. XIX. Journal of South African Botany 9
  • HARTLEY, I.H. & BALKWILL, K. 1990. A taxonomic account of Agathelpis, Globulariopsis and Gosela (Selaginaceae). South African Journal of Botany 56
  • HILLIARD, O.M. 1990. A brief survey of Scrophulariaceae - Selagineae. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 47
  • HILLIARD, O.M. 1999. The tribe Selagineae (Scrophulariaceae). Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh