e-Key <span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707918076729_9703178822265754" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>v3 - Crepidorho<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1707918076729_03162018065780137" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>palon
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Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.

Scrophulariaceae - Scrophularioideae - Lindernieae - Crepidorhopalon Eb.Fisch.


  • Small annual herbs; roots whitish; stems erect or ascending, sparingly branched, ± glabrous, quadrangular, ribbed to almost 4-winged because of decurrent leaf bases
  • Leaves opposite and decussate, mostly sessile, lowermost sometimes shortly petiolate, broad-based; lower ones ± equal, ovate to linear-lanceolate, entire to remotely serrulate, 1-3-veined with veins arising from base; upper pairs smaller, often very unequal
  • Flowers 1 per node, shortly pedicellate, bracteate, lower ones axillary, upper ones in lax to spike-like, few-flowered, terminal racemes
  • Bracts in unequal pairs, one ± leaf-like, other smaller, ± subulate
  • Calyx 5-lobed and 5-ribbed or winged; tube cylindrical to bilabiate; lobes ± as long as tube or much shorter
  • Corolla bilabiate; tube cylindrical; limb with upper lip shortly 2-lobed, somewhat hooded, exterior in bud; lower one larger, 3-lobed, with palate area at base bearing clavate hairs with multicellular bases
  • Stamens 4; posterior pair arising at top of corolla tube, included, with filaments short, filiform; anterior pair arising in throat of tube, with filaments geniculate at base (sometimes obscurely so), with a small lateral appendage, then arched and connivent under upper lip; anthers usually cohering in pairs, bithecate; thecae divaricate; staminodes 0
  • Nectary 0
  • Ovary bilocular, elliptical; ovules many; style filiform; stigma bilamellate with papillate receptive area on inner sides
  • Fruit an oblong capsule, ± acute, somewhat shorter than calyx, septicidal, glabrous
  • Seeds small, many; testa reticulate, epidermal cells thin-walled; endosperm alveolate and longitudinally furrowed


  • Crepidorhopalon Eb.Fisch.
    • Fischer: 439 (1989)
    • Fischer: 126 (1992)
    • Seine et al.: 7 (1995)
    • Mabberley: 191 (1997)
  • Torenia L. in part
    • Hiern: 362 (1904)
    • Merxmüller & Roessler: 56 (1967)
    • Philcox: 59 (1990)
    • Brummitt: 117 (1992)
  • Lindernia All. in part
    • Young: 9 (1952)

Distribution & Notes:

  • Global: Species ± 24, tropical and southern Africa
  • Southern Africa: Species 2: Crepidorhopalon debilis (Skan) Eb.Fisch. and C. spicatus (Engl.) Eb.Fisch., NE Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province and Gauteng; usually in ephemeral flush communities


  • BRUMMITT, R.K. 1992. Vascular plant families and genera. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • FISCHER, E. 1989. Contributions to the flora of Central Africa II. Crepidorhopalon, a new genus within the relationship of Craterostigma, Torenia and Lindernia (Scrophulariaceae) with two new or noteworthy species from Central and South Central Africa (Zaire, Zambia). Feddes Repertorium 100
  • FISCHER, E. 1992. Systematik der afrikanischen Lindernieae (Scrophulariaceae). Tropische und subtropische Pflanzenwelt 81
  • HIERN, W.P. 1904. Scrophulariaceæ. Flora capensis 4,2
  • MABBERLEY, D.J. 1997. The plant-book, edn 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • MERXMÜLLER, H. & ROESSLER, H. 1967. Scrophulariaceae. Prodromus einer Flora von Südwestafrika 126
  • PHILCOX, D. 1990. Scrophulariaceae. Flora zambesiaca 8,2
  • SEINE, R., FISCHER, E. & BARTHLOTT, W. 1995. Notes on the Scrophulariaceae of Zimbabwean inselbergs, with the description of Lindernia syncerus sp. nov. Feddes Repertorium 106
  • YOUNG, R.G.N. 1952. A new species of Scrophulariaceae from South Africa. Candollea 14