Birdie | South Africa Biodiversity Data Pipeline for Wetlands and Waterbirds

Release version v1.0.0


An online platform for African wetland and waterbird data

Exploration Map

interactive map viewer

Sites and Species

summaries and trends

Reporting Tool


Web Services

Species Information

Select from more than 140 waterbird species in South Africa. Here, you will get descriptive information about the species and a list of all the wetland sites where it has been recorded. You can also find graphs of the total estimated population size of the species for each province (at recorded sites). The information can be used to understand trends of how bird distribution and abundance are changing over time. The trends can tell us how well waterbirds are being conserved, and whether more needs to be done.

For further details on what information is on the species page and how to navigate the species page click the following links: What information is on the Species Page? How do I navigate the Species page?


Taxon Info

Conservation Status (IUCN)
Feeding Guild
Foraging Habitat Guild



Area of Occupancy

This graph below shows the Area of Occupancy (AOO) over the years

The changes in AOO are described below:

Change last 10 years:

Change last 5 years:

Last AOO:

For a distribution map for last year or an abundance map with CWAC site abundances, please consult the interactive Map Viewer.

Total population estimated at CWAC sites (per province)