Birdie | South Africa Biodiversity Data Pipeline for Wetlands and Waterbirds

Release version v1.0.0


An online platform for African wetland and waterbird data

Exploration Map

interactive map viewer

Sites and Species

summaries and trends

Reporting Tool


Web Services

Site Information

Overview of monitored wetland sites

Select from more than 700 wetland sites in South Africa that are regularly monitored by the Coordinated Waterbird Counts (CWAC). Here, you will get descriptive information about the site, a map of its location, info about the wetland types and a comprehensive list of all the bird species recorded. You can also find the Waterbird Conservation Value for the site, which is an overall measure of how important a wetland is for the population of waterbirds. The information can be used to understand trends of how waterbird numbers are changing at the wetland. The trends can tell us how well the wetland is being conserved, and whether more needs to be done.

For further details on what information is on the site page and how to navigate the site page click the following links: What information is on the Site Page? How do I navigate the site page?

Vital statistics

Total number of citizen science visits (CWAC sites) Number of species in last year List of threatened species detected in last year Waterbird Conservation Value in last year (WCV)

To note: We consider NT (Near Threatened), VU (Vulnerable), EN (Endangered), and CR (Critically Endangered) to be the categories that fall under the "threatened status".

Site level WCV categories
Index Range Description
Low 0-10 Site may support threshold populations for a few species; conservation value is low
Medium 11-24 Site supports important threshold populations for some species; conservation value is medium
High 25-49 Site supports important threshold populations for numerous species; conservation value is high
Very high 50+ Site supports significant threshold populations for numerous species; conservation value is significant

Site description

To view this site with bird indicators and ancillary data, open the Exploration Map

Wetland information

Bird information

NOTE: click on the "Species Name" column header to align columns

For plots and tables showing changes in bird abundance at this site, open the Species page


Species level

Species level WCV categories
Category Range Description
1a <0.5 Species abundance does not meet 1% threshold; population has low conservation value
1b 0.5-0.99 Species abundance does not meet 1% threshold but meets or surpasses sub-regional IBA level (0.5%); population has low-medium conservation value
2 1.0 - 2.99 Species abundance meets threshold or surpasses it by no more than three times; population has medium conservation value
3 3.0 - 4.99 Species abundance surpasses threshold three times but no more than five times; population has medium-high conservation value
4 5.0 - 9.99 Species abundance surpasses threshold five times or more but not more than 10 times; population has very high conservation value
5 =10.0 Species abundance greatly surpasses threshold ten times or more; population has priority conservation value