e-Key v3 - Ke<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701695762824_19344385436568556" data-jodit_selection_marker="start" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>y to Brassic<span id="jodit_selection_marker_1701695762825_4988898297535518" data-jodit_selection_marker="end" style="line-height: 0; display: none;"></span>aceae Genera
SANBI Flora Keys Logo
Interactive keys to the identification of seed plants of southern Africa using keys based on plant morphology.
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  • Lowermost pair of 'leaves' opposite, sessile, amplexicaul, broader than long, upper leaves alternate or subopposite, petiolate, cordate at base
  • Cotyledons very broad, folded longitudinally and their margins deeply folded in again
  • Lower leaves alternate or opposite, but neither sessile, amplexicaul and broader than long, nor, if opposite, with petiolate, cordate upper leaves
  • Cotyledons narrower, if longitudinally folded, not with margins deeply rolled in
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  • Inflorescences lateral, mostly opposite leaves
  • Inflorescences terminal or in leaf axils
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  • Fruit transversely articulate with 2 or more segments which separate at maturity
  • Lower segment indehiscent or whole fruit breaking into 1-seeded portions
  • Fruit not transversely articulate
  • Siliquae or siliculae opening by valves or breaking into 1-seeded portions, or hard and indehiscent
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  • Upper segment of fruit cylindrical, oblong-ovoid or ± conical, sometimes constricted between seeds
  • Upper segment of fruit globose or ovoid, sometimes beaked
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  • Upper segment not beaked, style absent
  • Flowers white
  • Upper segment beaked, style persistent
  • Flowers pale yellow, sometimes with red veins
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  • Fruit at least 4 times as long as broad (including length of style or beak)
  • Fruit less than 3.5 times as long as broad
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  • Hairs simple or absent
  • Hairs stellate, branched or a mixture of simple and branched hairs
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  • Upper stem leaves with clasping auricles
  • Upper stem leaves without clasping auricles
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  • Upper stem leaves not divided
  • Stems round
  • Upper stem leaves divided
  • Stems angled
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  • Stem leaves pinnate, pinnatisect, trifoliolate or digitate
  • Stem leaves simple, toothed or lobed to pinnatifid
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  • Seeds in 2 rows, rarely irregularly in 1 row
  • Flowers white or yellow
  • Fruit subterete, valves with inconspicuous midrib
  • Seeds in 1 row
  • Flowers white, mauve, lilac or purple
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  • Valves 1-3(-7)-nerved
  • Leaves pinnately or sub-bipinnately partite
  • Valves apparently nerveless
  • Leaves trifoliolate or pinnate with petiolulate leaflets or leaves pinnately lobed
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  • Petals white, blue, lilac, pink, mauve or purple
  • Petals yellow (sometimes white)
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  • Seeds in 2 rows in each locule
  • Seeds in 1 row in each locule
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  • Beak large, flat, ensiform or lanceolate, never seed-bearing
  • Valves hispid
  • Flowers large, more than 15 mm long, yellow with dark veins
  • Style not beak-like, 1.5-2.5 mm long, narrowly cylindrical or ± obconical, sometimes seed-bearing
  • Flowers small, less than 9 mm long, yellow, sometimes tinged with violet when fading
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  • Valves of fruit 1-nerved
  • Valves of fruit 3- or more-nerved
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  • Cotyledons incumbent or longitudinally folded around the incumbent radicle
  • Style never beak-like and seed-bearing
  • Cotyledons always longitudinally folded around the incumbent radicle
  • Style beak-like, often seed-bearing
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  • Fruit ± compressed or subterete, more than 2 mm wide
  • Racemes ebracteate
  • Fruit ± quadrangular, less than 2 mm wide
  • Racemes often bracteate, at least in lower part
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  • Fruit appressed, less than 1.5 mm in diam., valves 3-nerved, the nerves obscure in ripe fruit
  • Seeds oblong to ovoid
  • Fruit spreading, more than 2.5 mm in diam., valves 3-5-nerved
  • Seeds globose
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  • Plants glandular
  • Petals longer than 10 mm
  • Stigma deeply 2-lobed, lobes erect, each frequently with a dorsal swelling or horn
  • Plants not glandular
  • Petals shorter than 10 mm
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  • Stem leaves amplexicaul
  • Stem leaves not amplexicaul
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  • Upper stem leaves finely divided
  • Upper stem leaves simple, entire or dentate
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  • Basal leaves in a rosette
  • Stem leaves sessile
  • Slender, small, annual or biennial herbs up to 300 mm tall
  • Basal leaves not in a rosette
  • Stem leaves petiolate
  • Perennial herbs, up to 800 mm tall
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  • Fruit angustiseptate (septum narrow because fruit is flattened at right angles to the septum)
  • Fruit latiseptate (septum broad, fruit flattened parallel to the septum)
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  • Ovules 1-4
  • Cotyledons narrow, linear
  • Ovules 6-24
  • Cotyledons broad, elliptic to circular
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  • Fruit indehiscent
  • Stem leaves sagittate, amplexicaul
  • Inflorescence a corymbose panicle
  • Fruit breaking into two 1-seeded portions or valves falling away from the seeds
  • Stem leaves not amplexicaul
  • Inflorescences racemes
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  • Glabrous, perennial subshrubs, virgate, erect or procumbent
  • Leaves all entire
  • Flowers large, petals 8-20 mm long
  • Valves of silicula papillose to rugose
  • Glabrous herbs or shrublets
  • Leaves variable
  • Flowers small, petals 1-3 mm long
  • Valves smooth
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  • Upper stem leaves cuneate
  • Plant glabrous or sparsely puberulous with simple hairs
  • Fruit ellipsoid to obovoid, 2-3(5) mm long
  • Upper stem leaves sagittate-amplexicaul
  • Plants glabrous or with simple and branched hairs
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  • Fruit obovate-circular, 10-15 mm long, broadly winged all around, but wings broadest apically
  • Fruit obcordate-triangular, 6-9 mm long, 4-8 mm broad, emarginate, lateral margins almost straight
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  • Plants with stellate, branched or medifixed hairs, sometimes mixed with simple hairs
  • Plants with simple hairs or completely glabrous
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  • Stem leaves sagittate-amplexicaul
  • Stem leaves not sagittate-amplexicaul
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  • Plants with stellate hairs
  • Flowers yellow
  • Petals linear-oblong, broadly clawed, densely pubescent on back
  • Filaments each with wing-like appendage
  • Sepals persistent whilst fruits mature
  • Plants with medifixed hairs
  • Flowers white or pinkish
  • Petals with a circular blade, clawed, glabrous
  • Filaments without appendages
  • Sepals patent
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  • Annual or perennial herbs
  • Perennial woody shrublets, glabrous
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  • Fruit a siliqua, erect
  • Seeds in 2 rows
  • Valves with an indistinct midrib, appearing veinless
  • Fruits subcircular, compressed, discoid, pendulous, 1-seeded
  • Valves 1-nerved
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  • Petals mauve to purple
  • Sepals 3-nerved
  • Fruit dehiscent
  • Petals white or pale pink
  • Fruit indehiscent
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  • Fruit erect, valves woody, margins thickened
  • Fruit pendulous, compressed, valves membranous